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Hau mit̄ak̄uyep̄i,

Robert Bordeaux emaċiyap̄i yelo. Siċaƞġu Lak̇ot̄a Oyat̄e emataƞhaƞ na lehaƞl Minnenaḣaḣa Oṫuƞwahe el wati. Ċaƞt̄e Waṡt̄e Nap̄e Ċiyuzap̄e yelo.

Hello relatives,

My name is Robert Bordeaux. I descend from the Siċaƞġu Lak̇ot̄a Oyat̄e and currently live in Valentine, Nebraska (8 miles south of the Rosebud Reservation). I greet you all with a good heart